Client Feedback & Complaints Policy Statement

This statement covers My Plan Manager and the Kinora platform.

To file formal feedback or a complaint, please use this form.

Policy Statement

My Plan Manager is committed to providing effective complaints management by delivering a transparent, effective, and efficient feedback and complaint handling management system.

My Plan Manager recognises that having an effective feedback and complaint handling management system provides the opportunity to deliver a higher level of services to its clients.

Our complaints management system is based on the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice and complies with the requirements under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018. These Rules require that all NDIS providers implement and maintain a complaint management and resolution system which is accessible, fair, and responsive.

Complaints (and compliments) are welcome, as we use all feedback as a mechanism to support continuous improvement within My Plan Manager. This includes Kinora, which is part of My Plan Manager’s services.

While we encourage complaints in the first instance to us, individuals wishing to raise a complaint about our service directly with the NDIS Commission may do so if they so wish.

My Plan Manager guarantees no adverse consequences for making a complaint either directly to us or to the NDIS Commission.

Where appropriate, My Plan Manager can refer complaints to the NDIS Commission or other body and notify other bodies under relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory laws.

Last Reviewed: April 2021

Last Updated: April 2021

Signed: (by CEO/Head of Organisation)

A Person-Centred Approach at My Plan Manager

My Plan Manager is committed to a Person-Centred Approach in delivering supports to participants. Person Centred Supports are central to our philosophy, our mission, and our business model.

Please refer our Person-Centred Supports policy & procedure for more information on person-centred approaches.

Complaint pathways

A complaint can be received via several different pathways, including:

Any person can make a complaint (including an anonymous complaint) about the services provided.

My Plan Manager ensures that any person wishing to make a complaint either directly to MPM or to the NDIS Commission, will not be disadvantaged or suffer any consequences by doing so.

How we provide an easy and accessible Complaint’s pathway

What happens if I make a complaint by telephone?

• We will endeavour to respond to complaints received by telephone as quickly as possible. Subject to the nature of the complaint, this may require referral to a senior staff member or gathering of additional information so it may be necessary to take your details and arrange a suitable time to call you back.

• It is envisaged that most complaints can be resolved during the initial telephone call or within the same business day.

What happens when I provide feedback or lodge a complaint by email or using the My Plan Manager website?

• Feedback or a complaint may be made using the My Plan Manager website or email address

• When the Complaint is received the complaint will be acknowledged within two business days of receipt by MPM.

• Thereafter, complaints are ordinarily assessed within 10 business days.

• To ensure My Plan Manager’s transparency the complainant will ordinarily be kept informed at all stages of the complaint process and will be informed if there will be any possible delays.

• After the assessment of the issue(s) so described, a nominated person will contact you either via telephone or in writing and advise of the outcome.

• In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to appoint an external investigator. The timeframes will be discussed with the person making the Complaint.

• Nothing in the above process prevents a complainant from making a complaint to the NDIS Commission at any time (tel:1800 035 544 or make a complaint on-line).

What happens if I provide feedback in a survey?

• My Plan Manager will conduct regular surveys to measure client and Provider feedback.

• My Plan Manager will also engage clients from time to time to assess their level of satisfaction with their engagement with My Plan Manager.

• My Plan Manager may informally reach out to clients who indicate a high level of dissatisfaction to discuss option for improving services.

What happens if I provide feedback when using the Kinora on-line platform?

• My Plan Manager will regularly monitor feedback received from people using the Kinora Formal Feedback and Complaints Form.

• My Plan Manager may informally reach out to clients who indicate a high level of dissatisfaction to discuss option for improving services.