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Ground Yourself Fast Worksheet | Go-To Emotional Anchors
Use this worksheet to write down what helps you most during tough times. For each emotion, note three things that bring you comfort or calm.

Mindful Moments Worksheet | Focus on the the Good
Whether you’re facing a challenging day or just want to maintain a positive mindset, this worksheet is here to help you focus on the good and nurture your mental wellness.

Navigating Job Hunt Bias: Essential Tips and Scripts for People with Disability
Bias can be a big hurdle for people with disabilities when looking for a job, and it can show up in many different ways throughout the job search (or even after you nab that role).
Facing bias can be challenging, but there are ways to handle it and advocate for yourself or your loved one. We’ve put together some strategies and scripts to help you at different points on your job search to both help identify and counter it.
Interview With Paralympian Wayne Phipps: Lessons to Power Your Own Journey - Video Replay
Wayne Phipps became Australia's third ever Paralympian to compete in judo when he represented the country at the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2020. We sat down with Wayne to hear his story and the lessons we can take away from it.

How to use your NDIS plan to keep moving and stay active.
Our expert panelists include an exercise scientist and an osteopath working in multidisciplinary allied health organisations. Watch the webinar to get tips on getting moving and keeping active.
Empowered & Protected: Fraud, Scams, and Cyber Safety for NDIS Participants - Webinar Replay
This webinar aims to empower NDIS participants and their families with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves and their NDIS funding from scams and fraudulent activities. We look at practical tips to safeguard yourself, understanding the latest scam tactics, and different avenues for support.

Your Safety Network: Fraud and Scam Reporting for NDIS Participants
Unfortunately, fraud, scams, and other dodgy behaviours are on the rise, especially those targeting NDIS participants. That’s why we’ve put together this guide just for you - to help expand your safety network.

Stay Scam Savvy: Warning signs to watch out for - factsheet
Scams are everywhere, so it's vital to know how to spot them to protect yourself and your personal info. By learning these warning signs and what to do, you'll feel more confident staying safe and savvy against scams.

Advocacy and Self Advocacy through your NDIS Journey
At some point or another on our NDIS journey we may require the support of advocacy services but most definitely, we will find ourselves in situations where self-advocacy is absolutely necessary.
Join us as we discuss advocacy and self-advocacy with Caroline Santangelo, Operations Manager from Self Advocacy Sydney.

Circle of Support
This is a visual guide to your trusted allies and the resources available to you. Fill it out with care and turn to it when you need support.

‘Tis the season for celebration, good cheer and overwhelm: some ideas on making Christmas magical for everyone.
We wanted to share some tools, tips, and tricks to help every member of our community navigate this festive season. Hopefully, they help us focus on what really matters: having fun with family and friends.

Elevating Learning with Assistive Technology for School-aged Children - Webinar replay
The aim of this webinar is to further inform parents, carers and those invested in the education sector on how AT can be accessed and implemented as a practical tool to help your kids navigate life and learning.

Connecting Worlds: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionising Assistive Technology
For many in our community, accessing information or navigating daily life can be challenging. That’s where AR might be able to help. With Augmented Reality becoming more common, we're excited about new products that combine AR with the life-changing power of AT.

Pain Bubble - pain management options
This is a visual guide of the pain management options that we have available both inside and outside of the NDIS when we extend our circle wider for greater support.

Pain Flare Toolkit Worksheet
This toolkit empowers you to take charge of your pain by filling it out in advance, so when a flare up strikes, you have a personalised roadmap at your fingertips to help you through.

Making Assistive Technology work for you: five things about AT that you may not have already considered.
Getting Assistive Technology is one thing, but making it work for you is an entirely different hurdle. Here’s a few lesser thought about aspects of integrating Assistive Technology into your everyday life that is worth pondering, whatever stage you are at with AT and improving your life.

Necessity is the mother of invention: Bringing NDIS Assistive Technology to life
Here are the stories of three inspiring mothers who took their child’s needs and created products to make their life, and the lives of countless others, easier. Through determination and creativity, these visionary mums are shaping the landscape of assistive technology in the NDIS, by turning necessities into inventions.
How to access Government funded Carer Support: A walk through of the Carer Star process - webinar replay
Over 43% of Kinora members self-identify as Carers, so by partnering with Carers SA, we take a look at the Carer Star process; the assessment tool that Carers SA and Carer Gateway organisations around Australia use to facilitate Carers accessing support services.

Scripts for difficult conversations - price changes & charges
Scripting is a good way to plan a difficult conversation. This worksheet provides potential scenarios and tips to help you through those conversations.

Installing the oxygen tank: areas to consider when planning a sustainable Carer support system
So often, it’s not until we’re at a complete crisis point and the wheels are falling off that we realise that our lives are balancing on the edge of one thing - us. And if we’re not firing on all cylinders the many things we work so hard to maintain, including the people we care for, are left vulnerable if we go down.

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